Two weeks ago, the Goin’ Crew took the opportunity to attend the NAFSA 2022 Annual Conference & Expo held in Denver, United States. We were almost overwhelmed since this would have been by far the furthest destination that we’ve traveled representing Goin’ Connect. If you haven't heard of NAFSA before, then hear us out. It’s by far one of the most international events held where the global international education community comes together to raise awareness on the latest innovations, strategies and practices of institutions.This year’s theme was “Building Our Sustainable Future.” At Goin’ we strive to ensure that our partnerships and services are both ethical and sustainable; for the institution and its students. 

Our first meet ups with partners since Covid

Definitely one of our more busy times. We were constantly bombarded with meetings, so for us it was quite a busy schedule. However, it was not necessarily because we had any sessions to present but rather with other universities’ representatives and partners whom we had the pleasure to meet for the first time. When we launched Goin, the Covid-19 pandemic had just kicked off a new world in the digital space, relinquishing us from traveling. So it was quite a breath of fresh air to have met everyone. Not only because we were finally in a social environment but also because we finally could have in person discussions on improving the digital space in higher education. With that, we got quite a lot of insights and ideas as to how we can further improve and implement our community-based solution. More on that to be told in the future ;).

History was made that weekend

Not only did Goin’ get to meet up with its partners but by far the one of best experiences was goin’ to the Rocky Mountains in Denver with Roy Andersson from Jönköping University, and Tomas Bengtsson from University West. Evenmore, we were also able to witness history in the making as we watched the most boring baseball game between the Denver Rockies and Atlanta Braves, having one of the lowest scoring games in decades. Despite the underwhelming performance, we still had hours of fun, with great company.

Community Building is Essential 

The social experiences next to the event are as important as the event itself. Alejandra Otero, Founder and CEO of NEO Academy mentioned this to us many times and she was right! Still we went home early (11pm to be exact) every night to make sure we were fresh for all of our meetings the following days.We don’t mind being the “serious boys” that go home early though, because we are serious! About Goin’, student well-being, integration, experience and results! We want to ensure that we provide the best community platform there is today, and to do so we must be 100% sharp, confident and ready to present our ambitions. With that in mind, in September we'll be goin’ to continue to spread the awareness as we look forward to attending EAIE 2022 which will be held in Barcelona, Spain!

Who are we?

We want to create meaningful social opportunities for students to make them more successful in life. The future of education is hybrid. For Gen Z, the hybrid experience is not new at all and hybrid friendships have been around for years. At Goin' we improve the hybrid student experience by connecting your students the ethical way. A student-led way, effective in establishing meaningful hybrid friendships at your university to make students more successful in life.

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