University College London (UCL) knows that starting university can be overwhelming, especially for students stepping into a new environment where they don’t know anyone. Recognizing this challenge, UCL sought a solution that would help students feel connected and part of a community even before they arrived on campus. This summer, UCL achieved something remarkable: they helped spark over 250,000 friendships among their incoming students, and the final tally isn’t even in yet.

UCL's Approach Towards Community Building

UCL partnered with Goin', a platform designed to bridge the gap between receiving an offer and enrolling at university. Neil Green, Head of International Student Recruitment at UCL, shared, “I think that Goin' came along at just the right time and responded to a gap in the market. It occupies the ‘keep warm’ space between offer and enrollment and allows offer holders to build their social network in a closed environment with other UCL offer holders. What I like about it is that it keeps students excited about joining their university by allowing them to build connections on multiple levels, including nationality, home town, studies, or hobbies. They will already have made friends when they get to UCL, and this definitely has a positive effect on their arrival experience.”

UCL's approach of establishing a sense of belonging from the moment students receive their offer has resonated deeply with many prospective students. This proactive approach not only helps students feel welcome and attached to UCL,  but also sets the stage for a smoother transition to university life. By the time they arrive on campus, they already have a network of friends and peers, making UCL feel like home from day one.

Community Sentiment Felt By Prospective Students

“Having a community at UCL is really helpful, especially as an international student, to find people traveling from my hometown, figuring out accommodations, and so on. It especially helps clarify quite a lot of confusions and doubts that I and others may have. The best part for me is that the first day of college won't be as awkward because I've already connected with them!” - Sharon from India

“I've already connected with a lot of students here! This community is an amazing place to chat with future friends and it has made me feel more confident about studying in UCL from this September.” - Sherri from China

“As an international student, I didn't know anyone who was starting at UCL at the same time as I was. UCL having this platform really decreased my pre-uni stress in that sense!” - Cenra from Turkey

If you're interested in learning more about how UCL built their vibrant community or if you have any questions about finding the right recruitment tool that fits your prospects needs, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’d love to help you discover innovative ways to support your students and ensure their university experience meets their expectations. Just fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you with more information.

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