Date: January 2025
In these Terms of Service, the following capitalized terms have the meanings set out below:
Account: The Member’s dedicated personal area within the Application, which the Member accesses when the Member registers and connects to the Application. It enables the Member to access the Services.
Application: The Goin’ application.
Code of Conduct: the Goin’ code of conduct setting out the rules for interaction between Members.
Community: a group of Members within the Application that is created by an Institution or by Goin’.
Connection invite: A feature in the Application that triggers a notification to another Member when you’re sending them an invite.
Content: any content, including Messages, sent by a Member through the Application.
Event: Any activity Members can create or attend, within or without Groups.
Groups: Closed or open environments Members can create in the Application based on similarities in order to connect and engage with like-minded Members.
Goin’: Goin’ B.V., a Dutch company, owner and sole operator of the Goin’ application and trademark.
Institution: a higher education institution such as a university or college with which Goin’ has concluded an agreement with respect to communities in the Application.
Member: A person who has registered an Account. A Member is also referred to as ‘you’ in these TOS.
Messages: Messages between Members, or sent to Members.
Services: All services, whether charged or free-of-charge, offered by Goin’ in relation to the Application, including making the Application available to the Members.
Third-Party Login: A feature enabling Members to use their account from a third-party service to log in to the Application, simplifying the registration process.
TOS: These Terms of Service.
Article 1: Scope
The TOS define the rights and obligations of the Member and Goin’ with respect to the Application. They form the basis of the contractual relationship between the Member and Goin’.
1.1 Conflicting Rules
These TOS determine the main rules of use for the Application. They are supplemented by additional policies – the Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct – in order to provide the Member with clearer guidance on how to use the Application. The Code of Conduct sets out rules for how the Member are to interact with each other, in order to provide a safe environment based on trust. In the event of a conflict between the various policies making the rules inaccessible, unintelligible and/or unpredictable, these TOS shall prevail over the Code of Conduct but with respect to personal data processing, the Privacy Policy shall prevail.
1.2 Independence of Provisions
Should any provision of these TOS be declared invalid or inapplicable due to the effects of a law, regulation or ruling by a court with relevant jurisdiction, the other provisions shall remain effective and in force.
Article 2: Amendments to the TOS
2.1 Updates
Goin’ reserves the right to amend these TOS to reflect relevant changes to applicable laws or regulations or changes to the business operations, processes or policies applicable to the use of the Application.
Goin’ reserves the right to stop offering the Application and the Services. Goin’ will inform the Members of this 3 months beforehand.
The Member will be informed of updates to the TOS via the Application and/or by email sent to the email address provided by the Member. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure that this email address is valid and up-to-date.
Should the Member not agree with changes made to the TOS, the Member may end the Services and delete their Account.
2.2 Immediate Effect
All new versions of the TOS shall be effective immediately for all Members.
Article 3: Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
3.1 Governing Law
These TOS are governed by the laws of the Netherlands, such without affecting applicable mandatory legal provisions that protect the Member.
3.2 Dispute Resolution
In the case of dispute, the Member is asked to contact Goin’ directly in writing (by email, to the email address provided by Goin’) to try and find an amicable settlement to this dispute.
The Member may choose to have recourse to mediation, free of charge, and submit its dispute to the Online Dispute Resolution platform proposed by the European Commission, which may be accessed at the following address:
If Goin’ or the Member wants to bring the dispute before a court of law, the court of Goin’s main establishment in the Netherlands shall be the competent court. The foregoing does not, however, affect the Member’s right to bring the dispute before the court that is competent on the basis of applicable mandatory legal provisions protecting the Member.
Article 4: Registering for an Account
4.1 Application Download Options
The Application is available for free on the official Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It is compatible with iPhones running modern versions of iOS and Android smartphones running recent versions of the Android operating system. It is the Member’s responsibility to ensure they have the right version of the operating system to access and use the Application.
4.2 Member’s Registration
Provided that the required conditions for Member status are met, the Member shall get an Account. These conditions are made known to the potential Member in the Application’s registration form and consist at minimum of being or becoming a student at a higher education institution which is supported by the Application.
The Member’s name as shown in the profile must be your real name. If you have the same name as an existing Member, extra information can be added (e.g. a number) to distinguish yourself from other Members.
A Member may only have one Account. The Account may only be used by the Member, this means the log in details may not be shared with another person, whether this is a Member or not. The Member is responsible for storing the log-in details securely and keeping them confidential. The Member should not use the same log in details they use for other applications. The Member should log out of the Account before handing over the device on which the Application is used to another person.
The Member is solely responsible for their login details and must ensure that no third-party gains access to it. In particular, the Member shall hold Goin’ harmless against any communication, use, or declaration made using their Account.
4.3 Requirements on Registering
The Member must be 16 years or older and legally capable of concluding agreements.
The Member can complete the registration in two ways:
– By using a Third-Party Login option: This option allows Goin' to access the Member’s basic profile information stored with its third party (social media) service provider, such as their name and email address to help create a "my profile" section. The Member must verify the accuracy of their information before completing registration.
– By creating an account directly within the Application and providing basic information like name and email address.
4.4 Duty of Fairness and Honesty when Registering
When registering for an Account, the Member:
• must honestly and truthfully provide all required information during the registration process. This includes information provided directly in the Application or from third-party sources like a Third-Party Login, if applicable. The Member agrees to correct any inaccuracies and ensure that all information is up to date.
• agrees to regularly update the information provided when accessing their Account through the Application.
• must accept these TOS during the registration process.
4.5 Investigation in Case of Verification Problems
Goin’ does not have a legal obligation or technical resources to verify the identity or age of Members or to screen them. However, in the event of any doubt or cause for suspicion or following the use of the “report” feature by a third party pointing to identity theft or fictitious or incorrect information, Goin’ shall conduct an investigation without undue delay and may correct the information provided where necessary without misrepresenting the Member’s profile.
For the duration of the investigation, Goin’ reserves the right to suspend the Account of any Member giving cause for suspicion as well as the Member access to the Application, and to conduct the necessary checks, e.g. by asking the Member to send a copy of an official ID. The Member will be informed of the suspension of their Account via the Application and/or by email to the email address known to Goin’.
Should the Member be unable to provide said proof, or in the case of a proven violation of these TOS, Goin’ may terminate the Account of the Member in question in accordance with the conditions set out by Article 12.3 hereof.
The Member agrees to have only one single Account. Failing that, Goin’ may terminate the additional Accounts, under the conditions described in article 12.3 hereof.
Article 5: Services and Features
5.1 Purpose of the Service
The Application provides the Members with a user-friendly platform to connect with other Members who are in the same city during the same time, enabling them to arrange virtual or in-person meetups for social and recreational purposes. Each Member is free to communicate and build relationships with other Members, provided they comply with these TOS and applicable laws.
5.2 Services for Members
The Services are available in the Application free of charge for Members who comply with these TOS, including:
5.3 Community Involvement
Goin’ hosts a variety of Communities within the Application, either in partnership with Institutions or established independently by Goin’. These Communities are designed to foster interaction and engagement among Members who share common interests, goals, or affiliations.
5.4 University Partnerships
Communities partnered with Institutions are established through formal agreements between Goin’ and the respective Institution. These partnerships allow Members who are students, faculty, or affiliates of the relevant Institution to engage in specialized Communities conducive to their academic and social interests.
5.5 Goin’-Sponsored Communities
In addition, Goin’ independently creates and manages Communities within the Application to provide Members with diverse opportunities for interaction and collaboration. These Goin’ Communities are designed to promote networking, learning, and social interaction among Members who share similar objectives and interests.
5.6 Revocation of Access
Access to Communities, whether partnered with Institutions or created by Goin’, may be revoked. Institutions maintain the right to restrict or terminate a Member's access to partnered Communities based on their policies and agreements. Similarly, Goin’ reserves the right to revoke access to any Community within the Application for reasons of violations of these TOS, the Code of Conduct or other community guidelines.
5.7 Equipment
The cost of equipment (hardware or software) required to access and use the Application together with all other costs related thereto, including telecommunications costs, shall be borne solely by the Member. The Member is solely responsible for the hardware used to access and use the Application.
Article 6: Personal Data
When you use the Application, you will add personal data to your Account, Groups and Communities. To understand how we handle your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy, available by clicking on the following links:
When using the Application, you will also have access to personal data of other Members. You must treat those personal data diligently and only use them in the Application for the purpose of communicating with the other Members. Any misuse of other person’s, including a Member’s personal data is deemed a serious violation of these TOS which can lead to termination of the Member’s Account pursuant to article 12.3.
We reserve the right in case of violation of these TOS and/or the Code of Conduct, or upon a legally binding or legitimate third-party request to share your personal data with third parties, as necessary for such violation or request. In evaluating third-party requests, we will consider (a) the validity and lawfulness of the request, (b) (potential) damage suffered by the third party, (c) other means available to obtain the data.
Article 7: The Parties’ Obligations and Liability
7.1 Technical Resources and Security
Goin' provides the necessary technical resources to deliver a service for Members using iPhone or Android devices running recent operating system versions. Goin' is not liable for any malfunction on the Member’s device or for any compatibility issues between the Application and the device.
Goin’ uses measures to secure the Application’s infrastructure and the access it has to the Application within its own organization. It is, however, impossible to guarantee full security of the Application.
The Member is responsible for the security of the internet connection and devices on which they use the Application. This includes for example ensuring the software (apps) and operating systems of the device are up to date, using a secure internet connection, using a secure email account and using identity verification for access to the device, such as a password or biometric identification.
Goin’ is not responsible for any failures, interruptions or poor performance of the Member’s internet provider services, or for any cause beyond Goin’s control which might interrupt or have an adverse effect on access to Goin’ Services.
The Member is asked to report any of the above circumstances to Goin’ by sending an email to the email address provided in these TOS.
7.2 Liability Goin’
Goin’ cannot be held liable for any damage caused by Members in relation to their use of the Application.
If Goin’ can be held liable for damage suffered by a Member, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and/or to the extent this is not unreasonable, Goin’ liability is limited to direct damages as well as an amount of EUR 250 (two hundred and fifty euros). The Member acknowledges that this limitation is reasonable, considering the Application and Services are offered free of charge. The limitation is not however applicable in case of Goin’ intent or gross negligence. Any claims for damages must be instituted against Goin’ within one year after the cause of the damage arose, or the moment on which the Member was aware of the damage, if later.
7.3 Member’s Liability
The Member is only liable for the Members own actions and for the data that the Member publishes via the Application.
Should Goin’ be held liable for any failure by the Member to comply with their obligations, the Member shall hold Goin’ harmless against any conviction made against it regarding the Member’s infringement of the law, provided the Member is liable for this under applicable law.
Article 8: Use of the Application
8.1 Illegal Conduct
When using the Application, Members must refrain from actions which are illegal or criminal acts, including but not limited to:
• All types of scams
• Threatening or harassing other Members
• Prostitution
• Identity theft
• An infringement of a third-party intellectual property right
• An infringement of personal rights, such as image rights and the respect of the right to privacy
• Using the Application to carry out or coordinate digital attacks, such as DDOS attacks
• Inciting others to do any of the above.
8.2 Duty of Fairness and Honesty during Use
In relation to the use of the Application, the Member to abide by the following rules:
• Comply with our Code of Conduct in the interaction with other Members.
• Comply with these TOS.
• Be honest and truthful in the Member's statements.
• Only post photos and/or profile information that allow a Member to be easily identified, excluding photos and/or information in which third parties or items with no connection to the person or Member appear.
• Refrain from posting any Content (such as photos) in the Application which are pornographic or exhibitionist, which are generally offensive to moral values, or which violate modesty and human dignity.
• Refrain from violating intellectual property or laws on personality rights.
• Refrain from disrupting public order.
• Comply with current laws and regulations.
• Refrain from inciting violence or advocating terrorism, war crimes or crimes against humanity.
• Refrain from infringing upon the normal running of the Application’s Services or infrastructure in any way.
• Refrain from using robots or tools other than those provided by Goin’ when using the Application to contact other Members.
• Refrain from using the Application to arrange professional services.
• Refrain from approaching other Members with the aim of promoting paid services or products.
• Refrain from advertising or encouraging in any way the use of any other service, whether it is a competing service, and refrain from committing any offense relating to unfair competition.
• Refrain from using the Application to organize gatherings or demonstrations.
• Refrain from copying and/or disseminating, and/or transferring technical data that it might intercept on the network connected to the Application.
8.3 Personal Use Only
The Member agrees to use the Application solely for personal use. The Application may not be used for commercial, promotional, electoral or recruitment purposes. It is strictly prohibited to send Messages of a marketing and/or commercial nature and/or newsletters via the Goin’ chat, including but not limited to content, guidelines or hyperlinks to third-party sites or materials, particularly those of Goin’s competitors.
8.4 Reporting and Community Moderation System
As a platform provider, and pursuant to applicable laws, Goin’ has no legal obligation to monitor the Content sent or stored via the Application. However, to protect the Member’s, Institutions, Goin’, third-party and public interests, Goin’ does moderate content automatically if this does not comply with these Terms of Services and we reserve the right to moderate Content manually if it is unlawful, as set out below.
Goin’ has established a reporting and community moderation system to address unlawful Content.
If Goin’ finds any Content to be unlawful, if it has been reported after verification by the Goin’ support team, Goin’ commits to promptly removing the unlawful Content.
Goin’ has equipped the Application with a reporting and community moderation system, allowing Members to report Content that may be unlawful, such as:
• Content used for the actions set out in article 8.1 above
• Apology for crimes against humanity
• Apology for and incitement to terrorism
• Planning or organizing terrorist acts
• Incitement to racial or gender-based hatred
• (Child) pornography
• Incitement to violence against women
• Violations of human dignity
• Planning or organizing an illegal demonstration in a public place
• Spamming
• Content in violation of these TOS and/or the Code of Conduct
Guided by a strict professional ethic, Goin’ takes reports of unlawful Content very seriously. As such, when Content published by a Member is reported, and it is found to be unlawful, the Content may be removed, edited or made inaccessible, and the Account of the relevant Member may be suspended or terminated according to the conditions outlined in article 12.3, without Goin’ being liable for such actions. This decision will be based on the evidence provided by the report's author and other facts available to Goin’ and is made to ensure compliance with Goin’s legal obligations.
If required by applicable law, the Member who published the reported Content will be informed of any action taken by Goin’ because of the Member’s unlawful actions and/or Content, via the Application and/or email. The identity of the report’s author will not be disclosed unless Goin’ is legally compelled to do so. Goin’ reserves the right to immediately remove any Content that is evidently harmful to others and/or evidently and repeatedly in violation of the TOS and/or the Code of Conduct.
Outside of this reporting system, Members have the option to block other Members from contacting them whose behavior does not adhere to the rules of etiquette. This action is confidential and allows Members to control their interactions within the Application. Blocking can be reversed at any time, free of charge.
The reporting system is not a substitute for formal legal procedures or complaints against a Member who published the reported Content.
Any misuse of the community moderation system or unjustified reporting of a Member will be considered a breach of these TOS. Penalties, including account suspension or termination, may be imposed in accordance with Dutch law. Legal action may also be taken, with potential damages to be paid to the victims.
8.5 Real-life Meet-ups
Goin’ advises Members who wish to arrange real-life meetups to be vigilant. Members are solely responsible for verifying the identity, reliability and trustworthiness of those with whom they meet. Real-life meetups are arranged independently of Goin’ and are the sole responsibility of Members. Goin’ cannot be held liable for any acts or problems of any type which have been committed or caused by Members and/or former Members when such events occur following use of the Application. In this respect, one of the intended benefits of the Goin’ messaging service, again to ensure that Members remain safe and free from harassment, is to enable Members to decide which people should be allowed to see their profiles and talk to them.
For safety reasons, Goin’ strongly advises that real-life meetings be arranged only in busy public places or that a friend or relative be informed of the meeting and that Members disclose their contact information only after a reasonable period of time.
As regards the people with whom the Member has agreed to exchange Messages, it is recommended that Members do not too readily reveal information which is not included in the profile such as a phone number, address or surname.
Article 9: Communication with the Member
The Member must regularly check their inbox and notifications, which Goin’ will use, among other things, to keep the Member updated on information related to its Services. This information may also be sent to the Member’s email address.
The Member may receive push notifications through the Application to notify the member of important events, including but not limited to:
• An invitation to connect received from another Member,
• A Message received from another Member,
• A Message from Goin’ relating to the Member’s Account and/or Services.
The Member may change the Member push notification preferences through the Member Account settings.
Article 10: Intellectual Property
10.1 Prerogatives related to Trademark Law
The Goin’ trademark is exclusively owned by Goin’. Goin’ holds all of the related rights.
Any reproduction and/or use and/or partial and/or total affixing and/or modification and/or deletion of the trademark and related rights, such as for example (without limitation) the Application’s slogan and logo, through any method whatsoever and in any form whatsoever, in any format or through any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without Goin’’s prior, express and written authorization, and may give rise to legal proceedings.
10.2 Prerogatives related to Copyright
The Application including any other original works provided by Goin’ are exclusively owned by Goin’. Goin’ holds all the related rights. Goin’ reserves any rights not explicitly granted to the Member.
Any representation and/or reproduction and/or distribution and/or partial and/or total exploitation of the Application, such as for example the software, animations, text, photos, videos, graphics and more broadly the general structure, through any method whatsoever and in any form whatsoever, in any format or through any medium whatsoever, except where this is strictly required to use the Application in conformance with the conditions of these TOS, is strictly prohibited without Goin’s prior, express and written authorization, and may give rise to legal proceedings.
10.3 License of the Application
Goin’ grants the Member the limited, revocable, non-exclusive non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to use the Application for the duration of the Member’s membership until the Account has been terminated. These rights are restricted to private and personal use. Any other use by the Member is prohibited without Goin’s prior, express and written authorization.
10.4 Member’s Intellectual Property Rights
The Member shall retain ownership of any Content.
The Member grants Goin’ and its partners a free-of-charge, non-exclusive, unlimited and permanent license for the use, reproduction, representation, modification and translation of any basic intellectual property-related component (text, photos, videos, etc.) that it is part of the Content or that Member may otherwise provide through the Application for purpose of making the Application available and for its fair business purposes.
Goin’ shall use this license in a manner which complies with image rights and respect for the right to privacy which protects the Member’s personal data, without misrepresenting the true nature of the Member’s profile and therefore in keeping with this profile. This license permits Goin’ to ensure that these components are compatible with its technical performance or the required media formats. These rights are granted on an international basis and throughout the performance of these TOS between the Member and Goin’.
The Member shall hold Goin’ harmless against any legal action, appeal or conviction brought against the Goin’ due to the Member’s infringement of a third party’s intellectual property rights. The Member shall hold Goin’ harmless against any claims or damages which may result from it including, but not limited to, requests for compensation. This indemnification does not extend beyond the Member’s liability pursuant to applicable law.
Article 11: Counterfeiting, Unfair Competition and Parasitism
It is strictly prohibited to design a product similar to the Application or to create a derivative, and more generally to be guilty of parasitism, imitation, a smear campaign or any other act of unfair competition. Goin’ reserves the right, in this case, to suspend the Member’s Account immediately and to claim legal penalties from the Member.
Additionally, the Member who succeeds in or attempts to grant licenses or sub-licenses, or to sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or commercially exploit in any other way, or to make available the Services or Application to a third party in any way, shall be blocked from using the Services and Application and risks serious legal penalties.
Article 12: Termination
12.1 Uninstallation of the Application by the Member
The Member may uninstall the Application from their device at any time without notice. After uninstallation, the Member will no longer have access to the Application unless it is downloaded again.
Once the Application has been uninstalled:
• There will be no change to the legal obligation for data retention.
• The Member may log in again and use the Application if they reinstall it.
It is recommended that the Member logs out of the Application before uninstalling it.
12.2 Deletion of the Account by the Member
The Member may decide, at any time and without notice, to permanently delete the Account using one of the following means:
Consequently, the Member’s profile will be permanently deleted.
Should the Member wish to start using the Application again after deleting his Account, the Member must register under the same terms and conditions as the initial registration.
Once the Account has been deleted:
• The Member’s profile will be made invisible to other Members.
• The Member’s data shall be anonymized on our production database immediately and retained in our backups for 60 days as of this date, as regards in particular the legal obligations incumbent upon Goin’ in accordance with the terms set out by the Privacy Policy, and shall be completely anonymized thereafter. The Member’s Messages may, however, still be visible in the Application after deletion of the Account. If the Member wants us to delete Messages, they can send us a request to do so by using the contact details at the bottom of this document and indicating which Messages are to be deleted. If the Message contains personal data of one or more other Members, we may decide that the other Member’s interests prevail over the requesting Member’s interests and therefore must be retained.
The Member cannot reactivate the Member’s old Account.
12.3 Suspension/Termination of the Account by Goin’ in case of breach of TOS
In case of breach of TOS by the Member, Goin’ can suspend the Account.
Goin’ will be entitled to suspend a Member’s account as long as necessary to allow Goin’s support team to make all investigations necessary or in case of presumed breach of TOS which may be remediated.
The Member whose Account is suspended will be informed by Goin’ of such a decision by way of a notification on the Application and/or by email. The Member is invited to contact Goin’ support by email in order to obtain more information on the reasons for the suspension and in order to provide explanations and/or bring the proof that the breach has been remediated.
If within 30 days following the notification of the account suspension, the Member has not contacted Goin’ support team, or if the elements given by the Members did not help to remedy the breach, Goin’ will be entitled to notify the Member of termination of his or Account via the Application and/or by email and inform the Member of the period in which the member cannot re-register for the Application. Unless stated otherwise, the duration of such removal is set at 1 year from the notification of termination of the Account.
If the breach is so serious that it justifies immediate termination of the Account, if the Member no longer meets the conditions for Member status, e.g. because they are no longer a student, or if the Member has passed away, Goin’ can terminate the Account without following the above procedure. If the Member no longer meets the conditions for Member status, Goin’ will, however, give reasonable prior notice.
Upon termination of the Account based on this section 12.3:
• The Member will no longer have the right to use the Application;
• The Member will no longer be able to log in to their Account;
• The Member’s profile will be made invisible to other Members;
• The Member’s data shall be anonymized in accordance with the terms set out by the Privacy Policy;
• The Member will not be able to create another Account unless the Member has provided a declaration, at Goin’’s request that they shall not violate the TOS again. Goin’, however, reserves the right to refuse to create a new Account if the Member’s Account was terminated because the Member committed a criminal act.
12.5 Termination of Inactive Accounts by Goin’
Goin’ reserves the right to delete Accounts that have been inactive, as defined below:
An account is considered inactive if, after a continuous period of five (5) years, both of the following conditions are met:
• The Member’s application has not connected to Goin’s servers (including if geolocation is disabled); and
• The Member has not used the Application.
The Member will be notified by email, sent to the address provided in the Application, about the pending deletion of their Account, with prior notice of eight (21) days.
During the notice period, the Member may reactivate their Account provided they meet the conditions for Member status, which will pause the termination process. All Content associated with the Member’s profile will be preserved.
If no action is taken by the Member within the notice period, the Account will be automatically deleted by Goin’.
Once the Account is deleted:
• The Member’s profile will be removed from visibility to other Members.
• The Member’s data will be retained for 60 days to comply with legal obligations under the Privacy Policy and will be permanently anonymized or deleted thereafter.
The Member will not be able to reactivate or request the reactivation of the deleted Account.
12.6 Download of Content
The Member can ask Goin’ to provide them with an export of the Content that is still available to Goin’ during a three-month period after deletion of their Account.
Article 13: Contact
Members may contact Goin’ by email at the following
Article 14: Confidentiality Clause
Goin’ and the Member agree to keep confidential information related to an out-of-court dispute between them.
Download these Terms & Conditions in PDF here: